San Fransisco
New York
Me Gusta Your Pixels
This was a short-lived photography blog I did with Celine Nguyen in 2011.
Palo Alto Airport Day 2011:
Reverse-mount macro of my skin:
Reverse-mount macro is a strange technique where you put your lens on backwards. I use a Fotodiox Macro Reverse Ring with the kit lens. A rear lens cap with the bottom cut out and a UV filter hot glued on protects the lens.

There are numerous issues.
First, manual focus. That wouldn’t be so bad, but…
Second, the depth of field is ludicrously small. To change aperture you have to connect the lens to the camera on aperture-priority mode and remove it while holding the depth-of-field preview button. You can stop down, but then…
Third, it’s very dark. The pictures above are all at ISO 6400, and I think I used a flashlight to add more light.
Celine Nguyen and I rented two Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L (not mark II) tilt-shift lenses from BorrowLenses for a week.

We didn’t really know what we were doing, because apparently the math behind the focal plane stuff is much more complicated than it appears.
We sort-of kind-of made some miniatures:
From a piece of fully-exposed then developed medium-format film, I made a filter that blocks visible light but allows infrared to pass through.
In the resulting photographs, foliage is lighter than tree branches.
There are some issues.
First, very little infrared light is actually recorded. Both of these were 30-second exposures at ISO 400. The one of the left was at f/3.5 with +2 exposure in Adobe Camera Raw., the one on the right was at f/5 with +3 exposure. Motion blur from the wind on the tree branches and leaves is visible in these pictures, and fast moving subjects are out of the question.
Second, because different wavelengths of light refract differently, if you set the focus using visible light the infrared picture will be out of focus. You can sort of guess by turning the focus ring to the right a bit.
Third, the only color captured is a delightful fuchsia, shown below. They’re well suited for conversion to black-and-white.
Here are what the scenes look like in visible light.
Everything else
Not enough tings for their own header.
- Yosemite
- Welding
Last updated May 2021